Monday, January 31, 2011

some solutions to the Formula problem


A 2 page spread in your sketchbook

using drawing material of choice

pencil(black) charcoal, rollerball pen ,sharpie,ink wash

draw from your photo

cover 2pages
due friday

Thursday, January 27, 2011


You need to compose a series of pictures that use the Formula , a method of composition used since the 15th cen. and post them on your blog. These will result in 1. a drawing in your book to plan 2. a large scale work.

THE FORMULA is... 1. something leads your eye into the painting 2. to the main figure of focus to 3. an escape hatch of a window or door that lets you out of the picture.

you can do ths 2 ways. take your pictures seated in a car or in a doorway.


a two page spread will be started on Friday. Be ready, with paint and canvas(or doors), to begin on Monday.